Taraka Napak Archapadha

actually i don't know why i wrote "Taraka Napak Archapadha" as the title of my blog. Taraka is my son's name, it comes from "Java Kawi" language, it means star. Star is always be there in the sky that's why i put this title on the top of my blog. Writing is just like hanging my dream above the sky, as the way we try to reach the star. If you believe the power of your dream, dream will come true.. every letter that i write is every second i make a dream... and i believe, someday i will :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

About love n friendship :-)

About love
- love is not about searching perfection in someone u loved.. But it's about loving imperfect someone perfectly
- someone who really loves u will never ask u to pay for everything he has done, coz he always wanna do everything for u
- love doesn't have any reason. He loves u coz u are worth to be loved
- love comes not because u are beautiful. But u are beautiful because of true love
- people say love comes from eyes down to heart, but a real love doesn't care about ur face, status, money n etc.. Love always accept u just the way u are. That's way i say 'love comes from heart down to the deepest heart'
- love always believe that u are strong although nobody believes it
- love always see u that u are special
- love is when u've found another hand to hold ur hand.. And only his fingers which could complete the empty spaces between ur fingers
- love is about appreciate each other, complete each other n protect each other
- love will bring u closer to Allah :-)

About friendship

- a friend is like stars. U don't see them all the time but u know they are there. Sometimes they hide their light, but they'll never disappear from the sky.
- a friend is like walls. Sometimes u lean on them but sometimes it's just enough for u to see them
- friendship can't be measured by miles coz it's measured by heart.
- friendship isn't about who really knew u at all or whom u knew so well, but it's about who comes n never let go..
- friends will say that u are right if u are right n wrong if u are wrong.. But they'll never blame u without any reason. They will help u to guide u to the right direction.. They have thousands reasons to support u to be better, but they don't have any reason u to make u down..

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